4 absolute units of the apocalypse
4 absolute units of the apocalypse

4 absolute units of the apocalypse

"A Reaver Titan will cost eight hundred pounds!" howled a third triumphantly. "And then we'll add expensive units from the fluff that are even more overpowered!" cackled the second, as he too realized the genius of Games Workshop's fearless leader. "We'll just release new books that add special rules if you own enough models!" the first board member tittered, as the full extent of the CEO's glorious plan dawned on him. "But won't that be impossible to balance? The game was never designed to accommodate such large forces." said the designer, with a look of utter horror.

4 absolute units of the apocalypse

"EVERYTHING! RESIN MODELS! SIX BY EIGHT TABLE! FIVE THOUSAND POINTS STANDARD!" boomed the CEO. The designers looked at one another uncomfortably.įinally, the lead designer hesitantly stepped forward and asked, "Sir, we should make what, exactly, bigger?" "When did they slip through our fingers?" gnashed another. "How did this happen?" shrieked one board member. An emergency staff meeting was called to rectify the situation. One day, the Games Workshop CEO cast his eyes downward from his golden throne in Lenton, noticing with dismay that people still had money to buy things other than tiny plastic figures.

4 absolute units of the apocalypse